Links for July 7 2013

Links for July 7 2013
  • Meet the startups making machine learning an elementary affair — Tech News and Analysis

    Quote: The choices are getting a lot better for businesses that want out-of-the-box functionality for machine learning, predictive analytics and general data science. Prepackaged software might not make your company into Google, but a step closer is a step in the right direction.

  • Missing the Point on Private, Public, and Hybrid Cloud APIs : CloudAve

    Quote: In short, it’s about ecosystem choice and flexibility. Enterprise IT buyers want the choice to run workloads on private cloud or public cloud depending on what makes the most sense given business circumstances (regulatory, agility, economics). Those circumstances change over time.

  • Using silence as your strategic edge | Aspire-CS

    Quote: When you use silence strategically your words can make an impact. Have you ever noticed that the more someone speaks, the less others listen? Here’s your chance to be heard. Incorporate more silence into your leadership and watch your impact and influence increase.

  • “We Don’t Have The Budget” | Partners in EXCELLENCE Blog — Making A Difference

    Quote: …perhaps a customer having a budget might be a red flag or a warning sign. It means they’ve been thinking of the issue for some time, long enough to reserve money to invest. It may mean they’ve been researching alternative solutions, it may mean they have some favorites. It may mean you are late to the party and disadvantaged. You have to assess this, but maybe having a budget might be a disqualifier. They may be so far along in their decision making process, you don’t have a chance.

  • The path from development to product management | On Product Management

    Quote: The secret to success is to know the potential customers for your product better than anyone else. Your job, particularly with development, is to explain the personas and their problems. The who and the what. You’ll want to be very cautious of telling your team how to solve the problems. Your challenge will be your technical background will lead you to describe exactly how you think the problem should be solved.

  • How Introverts and Extroverts Can Peacefully Coexist

    Quote: The most important thing, when you’re trying to find that common ground with people who think differently from yourself, is to personalize your experiences. The absolute worst thing you can do with either type is use a single word to define your approach

  • Cross-fit Data Program | Forrester Blogs

    Quote: Data systems are purpose built. If organizations want to reuse a finance warehouse for marketing and sales purposes, it often isn’t a match and a new warehouse is built. If you want to get out of this cycle and go from data couch potato to data athlete, a cross-fit data training program should focus on:

  • Where’s My Data? | It’s All About Recovery

    Quote: Any time your data moves outside the confines of your infrastructure it can be difficult if not impossible to ensure that your data is stored, retained, and backed up correctly and that you have a paper trail that details when a document was changed and by whom. You also need to be able to articulate who has seen the data or has access to it, whether it is segregated from data that does not belong to your organization, and how quickly and easily you’ll be able to retrieve it if needed.

  • Innovate on Purpose: These aren’t the ideas you are looking for

    Quote: The most challenging issue that many innovation teams face is that they know how the ideas they are generating must be evaluated, but don’t know how to reach that desired end state. In other words they know that the ideas must generate more revenue or more profits, attract more customers or disrupt the competition, but those are end goals that can be delivered through many different means. What type of ideas are we looking for? Incremental or disruptive? Products or Services? Internal or External? With definition comes the ability to defend the idea, but without definition or defined scope any executive can reasonably question any idea the team presents.